-Bisexual - Im not sure if the guy I like feels the same way >> 2022

What does bisexual mean?
The term “bisexual” is used to describe a person who experiences emotional, romantic and/or sexual attractions to, or engages in romantic or sexual relationships with, more than one sex or gender.

Hey all so, I (m 16) have had a crush on this guy (also m 16) in one of my classes in school for about a month or two now. Through my life, I have always been able to form closer relationships with girls as I felt more comfortable around them. This is where my Delima started. Recently I have been noticing subtle things that he dose that I also do when I have a crush on people for example when we are in class together we will make eye contact for a few seconds then he looks away (this happens at least 10 times a class). He also constantly laughs at all of my jokes even the ones that are not the funniest I have noticed that he doesn't really laugh at others jokes though; another thing he has started doing is when class is being let out we will look for me in the classroom and walk over to me so we can walk to the buses together even if he sees his other friends he just waves at them and keeps talking to me. The thing that gives me doubt is whenever are arms or legs touch he moves them away after like 5 seconds, he also fist bumps me when we say goodbye to each Other. So im not really sure if he just thinks of me as a friend or if there is something more.

TLDR: There is a guy in one of my classes who shows signs that he likes me but i'm unsure if he is just being nice.

submitted by /u/No-Pirate-9308
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