healtth-care - ER cancelled :( Antagonist --> Lupron for synchronization issues? Stories please >> 2022


Has anyone tried antagonist w/ priming and moved to a Lupron protocol specifically for synchronization issues? How did it work out for you? Any advice?

39F. First ER. Estrogen priming failed to sync my follicles and I had 2 distinct cohorts of very different sizes. 6 nights of stims, U/S, bloodwork $$$ just gone. I know this happens but I'm so disappointed.

RE said that some people's follicles are just more difficult to sync...that it doesn't have to do with egg quality like I was worried about...and the advice is to wait a full cycle and then start Lupron after ovulation. I hoped to approach with 'less is more' but also want to have the best result possible without wasting more time and $

submitted by /u/ivfbe1
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