leaking urine without knowing it

The kidney is one of the significant organs of the excretory system that filters hazardous toxins and eliminates them from the blood. These toxins leave the system in the form of urine. The urine moves from the kidneys through the tubes called the ureters to the bladder. The bladder is a balloon like organ that stores the pee till it is full and has to be removed. Its muscle wall structures hold up to 600ml of urine. The bladder muscles relax while holding the urine and contracts to discharge it. Body hormones play a part in sustaining a healthy and balanced bladder. Healthy hormonal harmony builds up the lining and muscular tissue wall surfaces of the bladder and the urethra. 


There are three sorts of this leak:

Stress incontinence It is an event of lightweight leakage as a result of stress or pressure on the bladder which may be addressed effortlessly with bladder leakage pads. Constipation in both males and females is an additional reason of stress urinary incontinence. If the rectum teems with stool, it produces stress on the bladder.

Urge incontinence It is an unexpected tough impulse to urinate followed by an uncontrolled urine circulation. Illness like Diabetes, Stroke, Parkinson, etc., damages the nerves, being this one of the most significant bladder leakage reasons. Broken nerves stop the bladder, the sphincter muscular tissue and the mind to interact. Hence, leakage occurs. Urge incontinence could be an indicator of a hidden health and wellness trouble in men like enlarged prostate gland. As the prostate enlarges, it squeezes the urethra triggering an involuntary pee flow.

Overflow incontinence It is the lack of ability to empty the bladder effectively. Individuals suffering from this condition attempt to empty their bladder many times but produce only unsteady flow of pee. Generally it is caused by damaged bladder due excessive liquor intake, obstructed urethra and nerve damages. People who deal with this issue limit themselves from social events, interactions and long travel. However, a corrective bladder leakage surgery can also be performed to let them live a regular and care free life.

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