-Bisexual - Why are people so afraid of the bi label? >> 2022

What does bisexual mean?
The term “bisexual” is used to describe a person who experiences emotional, romantic and/or sexual attractions to, or engages in romantic or sexual relationships with, more than one sex or gender.

Bisexuality means attraction to two or more genders, it has meant this for a very long time. So why is it that people are trying to expand homosexuality (you know, a label that literally means same-sex attraction) to encompass non-binary identities?

Non-binary is not just man/woman with extra steps, it is its own gender and it deserves to be treated as such. It feels so invalidating to me to be included under the attraction of gay and lesbian people, when there is a perfectly functional term out there to describe what you feel. Bisexual isn’t a dirty word, please use it.


An Agender Bi

submitted by /u/masterofyourhouse
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