-Obstetrics - Getting pregnant from touching vagina after handjob >> 2022


Hi, I’m really afraid of pregnancy, I know the answer is probably no but I still need some reassurance

I gave my partner a handjob with my right hand, after that I wiped his stomach and penis with a Vagisil wipe, I’m pretty sure I held his penis with my left hand while wiping

We cuddled and kissed a minute and I turned on my back, I don’t know why but I felt a hair or something and touched my vagina to remove it (I inserted the tip of my left fingers in my vagina to pull it)

When I realized what I’d done I wrapped my finger in a vagisil wipe and wiped the outer and a little inside of my vagina

I can’t take Plan B because I’m around 3/4 days past ovulation

Can someone just reassure me please 😪

(I’m restarting the pill at my next period and feel anxious of something happening in the meantime)

submitted by /u/MyRa888
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