Obstetrics - What is "uteroplacental interface" and what does it look like on an ultrasound?

What is "Obstetrics " ?

Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.


My experience over Obstetrics "What is "uteroplacental interface" and what does it look like on an ultrasound?"

I was diagnosed with a focal accreta the other day. My placenta is not low lying or previa, but I was told it was over my previous c section scar(s). I have an IUGR baby (3rd percentile), which I expected since I have GD and my last baby was IUGR.

They think I have a focal accreta because my placenta is thickened with abnormal lacunae and I have a "loss of uteroplacental interface over lower uterine segment." I am 35 weeks pregnant as of tomorrow and will be delivering at 37 weeks with a multidisciplinary team.

I am terrified. That being said, when they did the ultrasound, I could see a nice, thick hyperechoic zone between my placenta and uterine wall. I don't know what the uteroplacental interface is, or what it would look like on an ultrasound. When they did the color doppler, it looked like there was hardly any blood flow in the lower uterine segment. I didn't know if these signs could also be the result of an IUGR baby.

I'm still delivering at a major hospital regardless, and plan is to prepare for worst case scenario. I can't find anything online about what a uteroplacental interface looks like on an ultrasound. I'm hanging on to a tiny bit of hope that this will turn out to be nothing. Prepared for the worst, hoping for the best, I suppose.

I was cleared of this at 20 weeks and then again at 28 weeks. It was found at 32 weeks and confirmed at 34 weeks. I have never heard of this suddenly developing later on, especially in a placenta that went from low lying to 5cm away from cervix.

submitted by /u/maikash30
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