What is "Obstetrics " ?
Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "If you had to take an educated guess? What is the the likely issue"
Before a year and a half my periods have always been normal, minimal cramping and no signs that a period was even coming. In 2021 o started getting stomach curling pains when my period would come, I’m talking could barley walk for about two days when my period would start. (Back story) when I Had my son 7 years ago after a check up I had a nurse weirdly tell me I had a spot they needed to keep an eye on they did a biopsy and said they would have to do another one six months later. Her whole demeanor was very strange as she pulled me into the supply room to tell me. Fast forward to today I never went back and it’s been 6 years ( I know I should have I’m just awkward and I hate people touching me) two days ago I started to get that pain again except no period I keep having spotting of both brown and red blood but the period itself has not started. This time was different though the pain was unbearable I could not walk, sit so to work or do anything. I called my obgyn they said they couldn’t get me in till late August then I work up to back to back phone calls saying I need to come in Tuesday. It hurts when you press on my pelvic area ( left side ) to my belly button. It hurts to pee or anything. If I had to describe the pain it’s a building pain like I get a build up to feels my something inside me ripping and then it goes back down, it’s sharp too. I’m just really worried and wondering if any obs on here have an opioid if anyone has ever had the same thing.
submitted by /u/blondebomb30[link] [comments]
♥ " Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery. "
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