Obstetrics - bleeding after sex-after long period of amenorrhea:Health care

What is "Obstetrics " ?

Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "bleeding after sex-after long period of amenorrhea"

Hi! So I'm 29(f) and just recently went through a long bout of amenorrhea (like 145 days) I'm definitely overweight right now, and I saw my GP within the last month. She said the no periods thing was most likely due to the excessive weight, as my thyroid and pregnancy tests came back fine. I also got back a normal pap from that appointment. But I did get diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, which I am treating with metformin and attempting to eat better and exercise more. I have lost about 10 pounds, and my period started again! But it was a really abnormally long period for me. I usually only bleed for like 3-4 days, but this went on for about 12, with lighter spotting at the beginning and end for a few days. It's been about a week since I stopped bleeding. My husband and I have been having sex pretty frequently, and after some slightly more vigorous sex this morning, I was bleeding again. I have no pain, except for some slight cramping right after the sex, and I'm not bleeding heavily. But the blood during the last period I had and the bleeding I am currently experiencing are both bright red, and not muddy at all. Which is what I would have expected since I didn't menstruate for so long. I figured with such a recent normal pap, along with the other things my body has been going through, I probably just knocked loose (lol, maybe?) Some more of the uterine lining and that's why I'm bleeding again. But I just wanted to get a more professional opinion, especially since the set of circumstances I'm under are hardly common and I can't find anything pertaining specifically to this situation with a Google search.

Also, just to include anything that might be important, I am not currently using any contraceptives, and I am taking bupropion, metformin, and a statin for high cholesterol.

submitted by /u/ChthonianQueen
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