Stay Comfortable

 Comfort is fantastic for reducing stress and this has been shown in studies to help boost creativity. It only takes your keys to be digging into your pocket for example, for your body to consider you as uncomfortable and potentially being damaged. Thus, you will find that if you can sit in a more supportive and comfortable chair and also ensure the temperature is right and you are surrounded by things that put you at ease (plants have been shown to do this well for most people), then you will start to feel a lot calmer – even when you’re at work and other stresses are being thrown at you.
Spend Time Away From Screens
Computers, smartphones and television are all great. They’re entertaining and they’re great for productivity. Unfortunately though, they’re also very bad for us when it comes to stress hormones. We’ve already discussed how light from screens can trigger the release of cortisol and we’ve seen that the constant messages and alerts essentially trigger a series of small stress responses while we’re surfing the web.
This is manageable but it becomes problematic when you spend too much time on the computer. Simply going for occasional walks and

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