What is "Obstetrics " ?
Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.
My experience over Obstetrics "Ectopic pregnancy problem"
Here is my story it’s a long one, so I hope you bare with me on it. I found out I was pregnant the day after New Year’s Eve. Which I might have been pregnant for maybe a month at this point assuming when I last had my period. I had made an appointment to see an ogbyn it was too early they said for a scan to come back in a few weeks, which I did and got a Vaginal ultrasound. The doctor looked at it saying that it was an ectopic pregnancy located right outside of my left Fallopian tube. He had me do one more ultrasound to confirm, which I went to and had a telephone visit a few days later, while I waited I started bleeding (this was February 10th) very heavily. I told them on the telephone visit that I was bleeding, they said it made sense since my htc dropped a thousand point difference from 8000 to 7000. They said that I was having a miscarriage and that we will wait a few weeks and get back and do another ultrasound. I made an appointment on a Saturday which they told me they were going to be there that Saturday but no one was at the office. It was fine, (but a waste of my time) I called on Monday to reschedule. Asked me if I was still bleeding I told them that I was, they said that I would have to wait till the bleeding stops. So I waited, now it was 3 weeks later I was still bleeding and I was very concerned, but the bleeding was going down a lot, and I did eventually reach the end of that. So again they did another vaginal ultrasound, and they said there is still a mass located by my left Fallopian tube. They had told me to go to the hospital to have them give me medicine to help get it out (can’t remember the name of the medicine if I’m to be honest) I was in the hospital for hours, they took blood and again another ultrasound. there they told me it looked like a normal miscarriage asked me why the obgyn didn’t just remove the ectopic if he had seen the ectopic. I told them I was just following what they asked I’m not a doctor, I don’t know how these things go. But the hospital didn’t feel the need to remove it either, gave me some pills that caused me some awful stomach pain, and then bleeding for another week and a half!!! So after I stop bleeding again I have another Vaginal ultrasound. Then they again told me the mass is still there I was in tears as I just wanted this to end and heal from it, they told me they were going to check if I was still giving a positive pregnancy test and they draw more blood to check my htc. So for two weeks I draw blood the first week my htc was 34, the week after was 38. They were out of options since a regular dnc wouldn’t reach were it was located, they referred me to a oncologist. currently waiting for oncologist to call for the appointment. While I was waiting, I had started bleeding again, And is very very heavy, and I had lots of pain and a large thing expelled from me, witch I could only think it was the embryo, as it was flesh colored covered in clots. It was Devastating thing to see. Currently can’t get a doctor at the obgyn to talk to me, left message haven’t heard back. I’m bleeding a though a pad every two hours, and just feeling drained and stressed. does it sound like I need to go to the hospital? I probably will end up going but I’m alone with my daughter at the moment husbands at work. And I am drowning in medical debt, I just want it to end!
submitted by /u/Electrical_Mess_1246[link] [comments]
" Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery. "
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