What is "Obstetrics " ?
Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.
My experience over Obstetrics "Lost Tampon checked twice by nurse and Doctor with speculum but still can’t get out of my head what if it’s still in there somewhere! Pls help"
Would you be able to clearly see the areas around the cervix during a speculum vaginal examination? Worried my missing tampon is stuck in the posterior fornix…
So I Inserted a compact tampax tampon on Monday morning and the string was neatly out. I went for a short walk and had lunch sat down for a few hours. In the late afternoon I went to take the tampon out and there’s was no sign of the string let along the tampon when I had a feel just inside. I had had two bowel movements during the day with the tampon in. I had my partner feel and he couldn’t feel anything but I went to the Doctors office to be sure, she internally examined me and then put a speculum in and said no tampon could be seen. I was still worried so the next day I went to a walk in centre and a nurse put a speculum in again and had a visual look said she could see my cervix clearly and she got a swab and ‘swabbed around the cervix’ with it. She said when ever she’s had a retained tampon before as soon as your legs are up in stirrups and speculum is in you can normally see it right away. I do suffer with health anxiety, so I’m aware I’m probably being paranoid, but I stupidly googled and have become obsessed with the Posterior Fornix which is located behind the cervix and I’m convinced this is where my lost tampon has gone. Even though I’ve been checked twice with a speculum is there any way they could not have seen the fornix area behind the cervix? The most likely scenario is it’s dropped out when going to the toilet during a bowel movement, but I hate not knowing and it’s making me sick with worry.
submitted by /u/Lifestooshort157264[link] [comments]
" Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery. "
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