Obstetrics - PCOS?

What is "Obstetrics " ?

Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.


My experience over Obstetrics "PCOS?"

Hi all :)

I'm a 21 year old sexually active woman in a relationship who hasn't had kids and I don't plan on having them yet, my gyn hasn't told me I have anything specific yet but I think I might have PCOS except I'm not sure. The right ovary is polycystic, I've been feeling very stressed, emotional and depressed for a while and it's very easy for me to get angry or sad, and some days I felt like I was constipated and the left side of my abdomen sometimes hurts in the middle and lower part. I had to do a few blood tests including hormones, insulin and vit D. Everything came out fine except Prolactin 25.32 ng/ml (normal range 2.0- 25.0 ng/ml), Androstendione 4.52 ng/ml (normal range 0.3-3.3 ng/ml), Vitamin D 10.95 ng/ml (deficient <10, insufficient 10-30, sufficient 30-100). She prescribed half Dostinex pill once a week to lower prolactin and Vit D pills to increase vit d.
She also told me that my LH ( luteinizing hormone) was a little low, it was 4.50 mIU/ml and I did those tests on the third day of my period so I think its supposed to be lower when menstruating and she read it as in ovulation phase and told me it was a little low( I think she misread that). The first time I went to the gyn about 2 months ago when I found out about the polycystic ovary I also had bacteria enteroccous which I got treated for and also a bartholitis cyst which came back again just yesterday. I've done cervical and vaginal smears which came out fine but the pap test detected bacteria and inflammation but no cancerous cells. I haven't had sex in a month or so until yesterday and it was a little uncomfortable and a little sore/painful. This might be a little long but I'm very concerned and this is all I can think about and it's making me very anxious and depressed because I dont know exactly whats going on and why did a bartholitis cyst, inflammation and bacteria all happen at around the same time. I just wanted someone's opinion on all of this. Thank you so so much everyone in advance:))))))

submitted by /u/Interesting_Pirate96
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