Obstetrics - I Can't Do This Anymore - 2 Years of Bleeding Everyday:Health care

What is "Obstetrics " ?

Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "I Can't Do This Anymore - 2 Years of Bleeding Everyday"

I am a 22-year-old female, 5'4 and 130 pounds. I've had my period (?) for almost two years straight. I started on birth control when I was fourteen in part because, as a non-binary person, I just really hated having my period and I was also sexually active, but my symptoms were never anything out of the ordinary. Before I started birth control, I had probably had my period 4 times since I first got it when I was 12. Up until I was almost 21, I rarely ever got my period and when I did it was super light and barely lasted three days.

I started on Lo Loestrin FE at 14, switched to Nexplanon around 18 because I was pretty bad at remembering to take my pills, went back to Lo Loestrin at 19 because Nexplanon gave me acne, and then my insurance wasn't covering that anymore so I switched to Sprintec. I LOVED Sprintec; I really had no side effects at all other than being super emotional for the first two weeks.

Basically, almost two years ago I got my period and didn't think much of it other than it being an inconvenience and noticed it was heavier than normal. But it didn't stop. I went in to see a doctor and he said I had PCOs and I've gone to see 7 other doctors over this time, and all of them said he was wrong. Each doctor I see just puts me on different birth control for the most part. I've been on six different pills, two different IUDs, and now I have the Nexplanon again. It's not fully solved, but I have one week that I don't bleed each month and it's lighter than it has been prior.

My blood work comes back normal every time. Other than the first doctor, they've all said that my uterine lining is "perfectly thick," and when I got off of birth control for three months, the bleeding was so bad I would go through a super tampon and a pad underneath in 20 minutes at most.

I know something is wrong with me and it's not birth control given that being off of it hasn't helped and being on it hasn't helped either. I have cried in front of doctors begging them to take me seriously, to think outside of the box, and they all just prescribe me a new birth control pill or tell me I need an IUD even though that made the bleeding worse both times and I had such bad side effects I couldn't get out of bed for a month and a half. I've had my hormones tested, I had my thyroid checked, Factor 8, and multiple pap smears, all of which have come back normal.

Can someone please help me or give me any new ideas? I would appreciate literally anything at this point. It's ruining my life and I just want a doctor to care.

submitted by /u/spo0kyspice27
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♥ " Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery. "

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