Obstetrics - Dermatitis? Idk but I need help!:Health care

What is "Obstetrics " ?

Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "Dermatitis? Idk but I need help!"

Hi everyone! Using my husbands account because I do not have Reddit but I always seem to see informational things on google in regards to it. ANYWAYS. I have tried everything under the sun but I’m itching myself raw. It started out a couple of months ago. The skin above the clit was extremely itchy and I treated it as a yeast infection. Still itchy. I changed detergent. Still itchy. Switched underwear. Still itchy!!! Here’s my issue… it’s now itchy everywhere especially my labia and inner labor to the point it’s raw. Some days the skin is flaky and itchy. Keep in mind I have had zero itch at the opening of the vagina and zero abnormal discharge. I started developing these weird shaped red almost welt like spots from itchy in my inner leg where the underwear sits. Those same itchy spots are moving to my elbow, armpit, and boob. This all started at the vagina so I’m trying to pinpoint what this is. Google is giving me dermatitis lol. Anyways thank you so much!!!! Any advice helps because itching yourself raw is never fun

submitted by /u/happyjitterbug
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