Obstetrics - UTI Symptoms + Abnormal Periods and Pain During Sex:Health care

What is "Obstetrics " ?

Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "UTI Symptoms + Abnormal Periods and Pain During Sex"

I recently got checked for a vaginal infection and UTI... I have neither despite having nearly every symptom of a UTI. This has been going on for upwards a year now, and I'm very concerned because it might be vaginal cancer. I don't want to keep getting tested because it costs way too much, but this is concerning. Last time I went I was prescribed a steroid ointment. Haven't tried it yet. I'm not asking to be diagnosed, but I'd like to know what else this could be. My symptoms are as follows: - Occasional bladder/vaginal muscle twitching - Frequent urge to urinate - Occasional irritation after urinating (it used to be constant, but I take cranberry pills now and it's more or less calmed down) - Cervical Pain and pain during sex - Occasional itching around vagina - Fluctuating/irregular periods (I have an IUD tho, so if could be that) - Constipation - Tender breasts before period - An overall irregular cycle

I've more or less brought this all up to a gyno already, but she assures me that its likely just a bladder or vaginal irriation... Whatever that means? I'm very concerned, though. What else could this be aside from a UTI? Should I get a pap smear? I'm only 19 so I've never had one yet. Any advice would be great, but if this isn't something I should post here, feel free to take it down. I'm just very worried and don't want to pester doctors anymore.

submitted by /u/lofadesigner
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