Obstetrics - Extremely odd Week-Long Period. Should I see a gynecologist?:Health care

What is "Obstetrics " ?

Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "Extremely odd Week-Long Period. Should I see a gynecologist?"

Hi! I posted this in r/medical and it went unseen. I’m 20F, 175 pounds. I’ve never seen an OBGYN because I’m scared to have to show myself to someone else. I know I’ll have to go soon, but I’ve been finding every reason to put it off.

I’m on Birth Control, specifically LoEstrin Fe, and since starting the birth control I’ve had 1 day of brown blood and one to two days of “normal” red blood, sometimes with few clots but often with none and a light flow and barely any cramps of other PMS symptoms. I’ve been on birth control for over a year now and it’s been essentially the same every time.

On Friday I started having brown blood, which is normal for me. Saturday I had lots of red blood and clotting with very bad cramps, but it lightened up a lot by Sunday, so much so that by Sunday night I believed my period to be over. Monday morning I had lots of red blood again, with clots, and by noon I had nothing, other than the occasional small streak of light brown blood. By nighttime I had nothing. It continued this way until Thursday, when I woke up to brown clots but no blood. Today I woke up with almost nothing, just some small clots (and I mean like pin sized) every other time I went to the bathroom. Now, just 20 minutes ago, I started bleeding again. Lots of bright red blood with no clotting so far.

More over, my breasts were sore for days before I started this, I’m constantly light headed, exhausted and hungry. Over the last few months (since November) I’ve had little to no appetite and now I feel like I can’t stop eating. I’ve had light cramping and constant headaches since this has started as well.

I am sexually active, but I use both condoms and birth control at the same time. I am on no other medications. Should I see the doctor about this?

submitted by /u/Great_Lion_3670
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" Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery. "

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