Obstetrics - Abnormal dark brown bleeding between periods:Health care

What is "Obstetrics " ?

Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "Abnormal dark brown bleeding between periods"

I'm having a very dark brown sticky discharge when I wipe and slight cramping. This has happened before but I just got blood work & went to the gyno & everything is normal & my dr said it could just be late period blood. Anyone else have this issue? I did forget my birth control a few nights ago but I have done that many times before & this hasn't happened. Just worried. I am weaning off of spironolactone as well if anyone has had that side effect

submitted by /u/Advanced-Warthog1802
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