Obstetrics - cronic pelvic pain for years. i have seen numerous doctors/obgyn, done hundreds of tests and everyone says i am perfectly fine. i need help this is controlling my life:Health care

What is "Obstetrics " ?

Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "cronic pelvic pain for years. i have seen numerous doctors/obgyn, done hundreds of tests and everyone says i am perfectly fine. i need help this is controlling my life"

hi, as mentioned in the title, i’ve been dealing with pain and other weird symptoms for years. more recently i went to the hospital, thinking i had appendicitis because the pain was so bad. they did a bunch of tests and said they don’t know what is wrong with me.

i am currently writing this in the hospital waiting room where i ended up once again, as the pain is unbearable and i need help.

for a bit of background, about 5 years ago i was having abnormal bleeding as well as intense cramps 24/7 and pain plus bleeding during sex. i was tested for STDs, they did external ultrasounds as well as internal ones, i even got a biopsy. EVERY test came back negative. NOTHING was wrong with me, so to stop the bleeding they “burned” my uterine lining with cryotherapy, which eventually (after 3 times) solved the problem.

a couple months ago, it started happening again. as i mentioned i went to the hospital and they found nothing wrong with me. this is affecting my relationship as i obviously can’t have penetrative sex with my boyfriend. it is affecting my work because sometimes it hurts so much that i can’t get out of bed. it’s like having intense menstrual cramps, but all day, every day.

I spent hundreds of dollars on private doctors and tests and i don’t know what to do anymore, so i am resorting to reddit, hoping someone somewhere has been going through the same thing and finally got a diagnosis or treatment.

FOR INFO : i am a 25 yo female, no history of cancer in the family, there was no recent change in my diet or environment that could cause this.

submitted by /u/itsmentalillnessluv_
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