Obstetrics - Skin discoloration, weird period, aroused 24/7:Health care

What is "Obstetrics " ?

Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "Skin discoloration, weird period, aroused 24/7"

Hello! I have an awkward situation and I think something very weird is going on with my hormones.

Last month, I did an impromptu self-exam, and noticed my vaginal tissue was completely white, on the outside, and inside.

I also have 4 growths, 2 on top of each other, each side of the walls just barely in front of the entrance of my vaginal canal. White and slightly pink in color. They are still there, but have gotten slightly smaller, I think. They are getting biopsied at the end of the month, but my ob/gyn said they most likely are glands. The inside of my vagina is finally it's normal pinkish color, but still, that was very weird lol.

My labia minora and majora turned purplish black, then after a couple weeks faded to brown. They are almost their normal color now.

I had very bad itching, pain when I urinated or had a bowel movement, more constipation than normal. That's since resolved for the most part with a steroid cream I was given by my ob/gyn.

I got curious, so I shaved the entire genital area and gasped. There's a giant patch of light brown discoloration, with specs of dark brown, and some pink & white. 5 inches and almost 3 inches in diameter? There's also a few other spots scattered around other areas - and also... I have discoloration spreading all over my body now? As well as flat moles. Last week I went to urgent care because my feet were mottled, which just turned out to be Raynaud's.

The biggest area is also getting biopsied later this month since skin cancer, well, all types of cancer run rampant in my family.

I have also had near constant low-grade fevers (never above 100.6, but my normal temp is usually around 97) and intermittent dizziness. I was tested for POTS and determined to not have that. I do have a potassium deficiency, and low iron, but currently taking supplements now. Dizziness has gotten better, but is still there - mostly when I stand up.

Awkward part: Around 2/3ish weeks ago, my libido has skyrocketed. I am aroused almost 24/7, even after I masturbate. I haven't been sexually active in 2 years. (Dead bedroom situation, not by my choice but I didn't mind too much until now.) I constantly think about sex now? It's very, very unusual. My emotions have been everywhere, too.

My period is usually the 28th of every month, but it was 4-5 days late? The first few days were entirely heavy brown, clumpy and clotted blood. I'm normally a very heavy bleeder (changing both heavy duty pads & tampons every half hr or so, ob/gyn is aware.) However, this month is the worst. My period has been mixed with equal parts brown and bright red blood, with a lot of clots. For a day, it stopped - and then came back, very very heavy. I'm still on it right now, however it's slowed down a bit and just brown.

I have been screened for every STI & STD, all strains of Candida, all negative.

I am having an abdominal ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound tomorrow. Should I request some labs to check my hormone levels? Earlier in the year they were checked, and my estrogen was normal.

If anyone has input, it'd be greatly appreciated! Thank you. :)

(Sorry if this was all over the place.)

submitted by /u/artparasitex
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