Baddha Konasana benefits and precautions



 Bound Angle Pose

Health care - Bound Angle Pose/Cobbler's Pose, calleed Baddha Konasana in Sanskrit, works to open the deepest section of the hip muscles. It will gently stretch sore hips post-workout while improving postural and body awareness.
August 28, 2007
YJ Editors

(BAH-dah cone-AHS-anna)

baddha = bound
kona = angle
Bound Angle Pose: Step-by-Step Instructions

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Step 1

Sit with your legs straight out in front of you, raising your pelvis on a blanket if your hips or groins are tight. Exhale, bend your knees, pull your heels towards your pelvis, then drop your knees out to the sides and press the soles of your feet together.

Step 2

Bring your heels as close to your pelvis as you with no trouble can. With the first and 2d finger and thumb, grasp the massive toe of every foot. Always keep the outer edges of the feet firmly on the floor. If it isn’t feasible to maintain the toes, clasp each hand around the same-side ankle or shin.

Step 3

Sit so that the pubis in front and the tailbone in again are equidistant from the floor. The perineum then will be approximately parallel to the ground and the pelvis in a neutral position. Firm the sacrum and shoulder blades towards the again and prolong the the front torso through the top of the sternum.

Step 4

Never pressure your knees down. Instead launch the heads of the thigh bones toward the floor. When this action leads, the knees follow.

See also More Hip Openers

Step 5

Stay in this pose anywhere from 1 to 5 minutes. Then inhale, raise your knees away from the floor, and prolong the legs back to their unique position.

Pose Information
Sanskrit Name

Baddha Konasana
Pose Level

Contraindications and Cautions

Groin or knee injury: Only perform this pose with blanket help underneath the outer thighs.

See also A Home Practice for Happy, Open Hips
Modifications and Props

To understand the release of the heads of the thigh bones, fold two blankets and put one beneath each outer thigh, assisting the thighs an inch or so above their most stretch. Then lay a 10-pound sand bag on every inner groin, parallel to the crease between the thigh and pelvis. Release the thigh heads away from the weight, and let them sink into the blankets. Do now not use the luggage until the thighs are supported.
Deepen the Pose

Imagine you have two partners, every pressing inward (toward the pelvis) on a knee. From the middle of your sacrum, push out alongside the outer thighs towards this imaginary resistance. Then push the heels firmly together from the knees.
Preparatory Poses

Supta Padangusthasana

Follow-up Poses

Standing poses and most seated twists and ahead bends.

See additionally Take a Vacation with the Bound Angle Pose
Beginner’s Tip

It can be tough to lower the knees toward the floor. If your knees are very high and your back rounded, be certain to sit on a excessive support, even as high as a foot off the floor.

Stimulates stomach organs, ovaries and prostate gland, bladder, and kidneys
Stimulates the heart and improves accepted circulation
Stretches the inner thighs, groins, and knees
Helps relieve moderate depression, anxiety, and fatigue
Soothes menstrual pain and sciatica
Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
Therapeutic for flat feet, high blood pressure, infertility, and asthma
Consistent practice of this pose until late into being pregnant is stated to help ease childbirth.
Traditional texts say that Baddha Konasana destroys disorder and receives rid of fatigue.

See also Five Happiness Boosting Poses

A accomplice can help you analyze how to work the internal thighs in this pose. Perform Baddha Konasana. Loop a strap over every groin, with the free ends of the straps main away from your again torso. Have your accomplice sit down in the back of you and pull on the straps (perpendicular to the line of the thighs). Your partner can also press one foot gently in opposition to the again of your pelvis at the identical time. Lean barely forward, releasing the heads of the thigh bones away from the straps.

Exhale and lean your torso forward between the knees. Remember to come forward from the hip joints, now not the waist. Bend your elbows and push them in opposition to the internal thighs or calves (but by no means on the knees). If your head doesn’t rest easily on the floor, support it on a block or the the front edge of a chair seat. 

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