healtth-care - Almost 39 weeks pregnancy with excessive fluids, looking into delivery options >> 2022

Hello. I have a question in regards to delivery. My wife is at 38 week and 6 days pregnancy qith her first baby The baby weighted little over 3kg two weeks ago, so he's probably around 4kg now. The issue is that she has excessive fluids, two weeks ago it was 27 (not sure if its cm or what) and a bit higher sugar 80-105. The doctor recommends to induce the delivery now but couldn't not clearly explain why other than mentioning the excessive fluids. My wife does not have any dilatation at all yet. Our original delivery date is 03/24

We are struggling with the decision if we should induce the delivery now, wait until she's ready, or go with C-section.

Other thing is that my wife has PCOS, which she is taking Metformin for. She also had lots of vaginal pain and sensitivity, even during sexual intercourse. She could barely withstand when the doctor was checking her dilatation. She also always had issues while using the bathroom as she had issues with pushing. With that being said, I am not sure if natural delivery if a good option for her and maybe its better to just go with the C-section right away?

Another thought in my mind is that with natural delivery, maybe her vaginal pain issues and PCOS would "cure" and make her future pregnancies and our sexual life easier?

What would you recommend in our situation?

submitted by /u/magnumpl
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