Obstetrics - Endometrial Ablation/Hematometra/Uterine Infection

What is "Obstetrics " ?

Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.


My experience over Obstetrics "Endometrial Ablation/Hematometra/Uterine Infection"

Long post ahead, so please bear with me.
I am hoping an OBGYN or the equivalent can give me some insight. I've talked with my gynecologist a lot but I still can't stay off of google - and that's a dark and scary place to be lol
I have suffered from extremely heavy, prolonged, and painful periods since I had my 3rd child (all 3 cesarean sections) and tubal ligation done in 2015.

In 2017, my doctor suggested I try an IUD because my insurance was awful and denied my request for an endometrial ablation at the time. The IUD was great for reducing the amount of bleeding I had, but I still had severe cyclic cramps among many other side effects. But I kept it in for the 5 years just to make sure it wouldn't eventually work.

Fast forward to more recently. I went for my yearly exam in February of this year and my doctor was super supportive of my wish to remove the IUD and do an ablation and was able to get it approved by insurance this time because I "tried other methods first".

We did the pre-op ultrasound and everything looked great - my uterus was measuring appropriately and there weren't any polyps, fibroids, abnormalities, etc. shown. I was so excited because every single woman I spoke to who had had the surgery done told me it was a life saver for them and they were 100% back to normal within a day and had hardly any pain afterwards.

My surgery was on 3/11. I woke up from the procedure in an IMMENSE amount of pain. The cramps were worse than the pitocin contractions I experienced during my first child's birth. When my doctor came to speak with me in recovery, he told me they had found a large hematometra in my uterus and had to drain over 250cc of blood. My uterus was also measuring almost double what it should have been.

Afterwards, I was bleeding on and off; one day I might spot very lightly and the next would be period level bleeding. I also had a TON of pain in my uterus. At my post op appointment, my doctor said I had developed endometritis - no doubt due to the hematometra. I finished the antibiotics and the bleeding has mostly stopped other than some light spotting here and there. But the aching pain in my pelvis is still there. My doctor told me to call him if the pain persists past 4/8 which is quickly approaching - but I hate to be THAT patient that continues to return for stupid reasons.

Additionally, I should have started my period 2 days ago. I obviously haven't bled due to the ablation - but the cramps have been unbearable. No better than prior to the surgery. I'm just at a loss. I went into this with high expectations. Everyone I spoke to told me it would be the best decision I ever made and I would feel better immediately. Instead, it has been a full month of hell. I'm terrified I might develop hematometra again because after researching, it is a possibility after ablation. And because there was no definite answer as to why I developed one in the first place, it's terrifying. I will say that since the hematometra was drained, my chronic unexplained back pain and urinary problems have resolved and I never want that to become an issue again. I'm also scared that I might be the small percentage of people who develop PATSS. How soon can that occur post op? Is my persistent pain lingering from the infection? Am I really likely to develop another hematometra or was that just a rare one time occurrence? I just.... honestly don't know what answers I'm looking for. I just needed to write it all out and hope someone could tell me anything to ease my mind.

submitted by /u/Queasy-Adhesiveness9
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" Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery. "

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