What is "Obstetrics " ?
Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "Irregular period question!"
Hi all. Before I begin, don’t worry, I do have a doctor appointment that I have been definitely been putting off for a long time. For reference, I am 100% not sexually active and never have been. Around August 2019, I missed my period for a month. Nothing strange. In 2018, this would happen randomly without pattern but not frequent enough in 2018 and before thaT I’ve noticed. In February 2020, I missed my period. I didn’t get it until late March and I missed April but got it middle of May and so on as normal. Missed it in July. Got it in August (2020). Missed it again in September 2020. Got it early October. Missed it in Nov 2020. Got it in Dec-January. I got it in February 2021 but at the very last week and it ended on March 1st. I still got my period at the end of March though, only to miss it in April 2021. Got it May-June 2021. Missed AGAIN, in July 2021 THROUGH October of 2021. I had it from November-January and missed it again in February-March 2022. I got it the last week of April 2022 but again, the last three days were in the first week of May 2022. Which leaves us up to date! Overall, I haven’t noticed any extreme conditions and I initially thought it was because during COVID, I gained a substantial amount of weight compared to what I was before. But I’ve always been “overweight” or “big boned” despite playing sports for years, kickboxing and even cutting portions, etc and being active. I lost 22 pounds when I did a “challenge” in Highschool but my eating habits weren’t really changed that much except I didn’t eat out as much and I worked out a little more than usual, just an extra hour but typically I worked out every day to keep my endurance up for my sport. Anyways, It’s my last year of undergrad but I’m eating a bit less and more active because of work, etc. I did go through a deep depression from Freshman-sophomore year but for my senior year, I definitely feel completed renewed and I’m generally happy and living life as I wanted. I’m stressed because ofc, I am a college student but I feel genuinely equipped to handle that stress Compared to past years. So I’m not sure if that’s the reason for my irregular periods. This recent period is sort of strange. As you can tell by my timeline, I missed it for a few months this time. My period has always lasted five days and if there is a sixth, it’s basically spotting but even then I haven’t seen that. I’m on my 6th day and my flow is still pretty much there. Nothing compared to my second day, etc but the pad isn’t stain free. It’s strange because I’m not sure how long it will last. Once again, I have a doctors appointment already but I thought, hey, why not see if anyone else has had this struggle too! Sorry for the long read!
submitted by /u/big_sigh321[link] [comments]
♥ " Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery. "
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