Obstetrics - Retained products 9 weeks postpartum:Health care

What is "Obstetrics " ?

Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "Retained products 9 weeks postpartum"

35f, routine, uncomplicated vagina birth on 4/22/22. Minimal bleeding for around 6 weeks postpartum. Was put on birth control pills around that time. Not breastfeeding. Started bleeding on week 8 through now (the last 13 days) but still in middle of pill pack.

Started like a period, has consistently gotten worse on and off. I’ll get “gushes” and then it will stop. I’m and off like that day and night. I finally had an ultrasound done yesterday and my ob just called and said that the ultrasound shows “retained products of conception… but that it will always look like that when you are on your first postpartum period and the pill is making it worse with the hormones”.

So she was confident that no intervention is needed to get it all out because it “always presents like that during the first period” on the ultrasound and it will come out in its own….. she does not want to schedule a d&c because I do not have signs on infections or other complications, obviously I am not a doctor but this does not sound right to me and is not sitting well. I thought the routine route for RPOC is an immediate D&C before anything gets worse or infected. Is it true that the ultrasound could “look” like RPOC if it’s done during the first “period” after birth? How can she be sure this is actually a period (during the middle of a pill pack?!) and not bleeding from the RPOC? Is it normal to “let nature take its course”?

submitted by /u/boozyfajitas
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" Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery. "

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