What is "Obstetrics " ?
Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.
My experience over Obstetrics "21F Intercourse 2 weeks postpartum?"
Intercourse 2 weeks postpartum 21 Female 5’4 120 pounds
Had intercourse 2 weeks post vaginal birth, had a first degree perineal tear and received one stitch. The stitch dissolved and I was having no pain. However, my husband and I had intercourse last night and I am wondering if we made a mistake. I took a peak down there and there is no sign of infection but my right side of my vulva looks lopsided and my pelvic floor feels slightly weaker than it did before the intimacy. My concern is if this can cause permanent damage to the pelvic floor muscles. We will not be intimate again until another few weeks.
submitted by /u/minnie20188[link] [comments]
♥ " Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery. "
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