What is "Obstetrics " ?
Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "Freaking out after breast exam. Being referred for an ultrasound/mammogram"
I posted in here a couple days ago about my left breast being painful and nipple pain. I went to my primary today and she said my left breast has a significant amount of lumps. I have some small ones, but directly in the middle of my breast, above my areola, she said I have a pretty big one which is most likely what’s causing my pain.
I’m so scared. She says they “seem” like cysts cause she can move them around and they feel squishy. I’m too scared to feel and squeeze them myself cause I feel like my mind will make me think they’re not moving.
I’m just a few days shy of turning 29, and all I keep thinking about is my 1 year old son. What if they’re not cysts? I’m beyond worried now. I know it sounds dramatic, but it’s hard not to immediately think of breast cancer when they tell you they feel lumps.
I’m even more concerned that it’s more my left than right. She said my right breast has some slight changes but not like my left.
I am on my period so idk if they felt more large because of this or not. But, I have brought this up with my OB SO MANY TIMES. And they told me every time they didn’t feel anything. But now my primary immediately did?
My mother and sister have cystic breast. And we have no breast cancer in our family history. I just need some reassurance before this ultrasound and mammogram appointment. Did any of you have this amount of lumps and they were all just cysts? How was the mammogram? Any and all advice is welcome As I’m a wreck right now lol
submitted by /u/avocadosandocd[link] [comments]
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