What is "Obstetrics " ?
Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.
My experience over Obstetrics "I still think I am pregnant after a pregnancy scare"
Last October 30th my boyfriend (17m) fingered me (17f). I didn't think much of it but I started getting scared when my November period was late. Before fingering me, he had stroked his dick but he hadn't finished so there was no cum yet. We don't actually remember if there was any precum on his fingers. I took a test the day my period came and it turned out negative. I took two other tests (one week after the first test and three weeks after the first test) and they all turned out negative. The tests were the cheapest I could get so I was worried they weren't effective. I had my period every month since October but I was still very worried so in February, I decided to take a blood test. My parents didn't know anything about this story so I left school to go to a lab near me and get the test. The results said 'negative' on the paper but my HCG levels were 25mUI/mL and 10mUI/mL (I don't know why the lab provided me with two results after one test). Those numbers are on the cusp of pregnancy but I took them almost four months after the actual act so if I was pregnant they should've been higher by then. However, I had also read about people who have very low HCG levels even during pregnancy. I have not gained any weight but my lower stomach gets 'fat' sometimes and that scares and worries me. I had an excess of gas during that same period and had two abdominal ultrasounds (one in December and one in March but this one was quick and the doctor did not give me the images from the ultrasound) and there wasn't any sign of a fetus. Today, my rib cage started hurting and I went to check online for possible reasons and it said that rib pain is a common symptom during the third trimester (if I was pregnant, I would be entering my third trimester soon). I keep having panic attacks and stressing out about this subject because I live in a conservative country where abortion is illegal. I confessed everything to my mom and she was a little bit supportive but dismissed me whenever I said I needed more proof or reassurance (aka getting another blood test / vaginal ultrasound). My boyfriend is supportive. He helped me pay for the tests and tries to be there when I'm stressing out but I just feel so lonely during this time. I want to be reassured that I am not pregnant once and for all but I do not know what kind of proof I need or will satisfy me. I feel like it's also mental bc I overthink this so much.
(we never had penetrative sex so I am only worried about that first - and last - time he had fingered me)
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