Obstetrics - Odds of placenta accreta without previa?

What is "Obstetrics " ?

Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.


My experience over Obstetrics "Odds of placenta accreta without previa?"

I've had 2 previous c sections. In my current pregnancy (third), my placenta was a 'little low lying' at 20 weeks but moved up to 3cm clear of the cervix at 29 weeks. They said they couldn't clearly see the bottom of the placenta at 32 weeks, so I'm getting an MRI. I just want to know what my odds are of having this condition (placenta accreta) if a small portion of the placenta is overlying a portion of my previous c section scar (it's anterior, but hangs out to the left). For some reason, they can't tell where the bottom of the placenta is? My BMI is 36 so I'm assuming this complicates things.

I'm trying to decide where to give birth. No ultrasounds have seen accreta, even a level 2 with color doppler and an MFM. But the MFM I saw couldn't rule it out completely. I asked if he saw signs and he just "enlarged placenta" but said nothing about abnormal lacunae, or any of that. I asked if he could see my previous c section scar and he said he couldn't? I'm assuming because in the third trimester, the lower half of the uterus stretches.

Anyway, what are my odds IF the placenta is over my previous c section scar at all? Should I give birth at the hospital most prepared for this even if no accreta is seen on ultrasound or MRI? I don't know what to do. I have a scheduled third c section at a local rural hospital. They can handle some bleeding, but idk if they can handle a life or death situation.

Very scared about this. Really need help.

submitted by /u/maikash30
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