Obstetrics - mirena replacement?:Health care

What is "Obstetrics " ?

Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "mirena replacement?"

I'm getting my IUD replaced today. I've noticed what seems like the hormones wearing off, as my cycles have started to return (light spotting, cramps, and digestive issues every few weeks) compared to years of little to none of that.

I'm getting Mirena reinserted, so all the same. I'm wondering what to expect? I've had an IUD replaced before so I'm not concerned about the procedure itself but wondering if you experienced any side effects after like bleeding (for more than a couple days) or anything like that. My last replacement was different because I went from Kyleena (had it for 3 months and bled the entire time and was over it) to the Mirena.

Thanks so much.

submitted by /u/bitchpotho
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" Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery. "

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