What is "Obstetrics " ?
Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "Norethisterone 30mg then 20mg for 6 months..ongoing."
So I went to A&E at the start of December when my IUD (inserted due to heavy periods) fell out due to massive heavy clots. An internal ultrasound showed 3 fibroids which had distorted my uterus and pushed it out. The gynaecologist on charge said that I would need these removed but due to my weight however surgery wasn't an option but advised that he would refer me as an emergency appointment to a gynaecologist to discuss options. He gave me a prescription for Norethisterone 30mg (2 5mg tablets, 3 times a day) to be taken until I had my appointment which would be within 3 months. After the 3 months I have heard nothing. I spoke to my GP and agreed to go down to 20mg a day and to this day I am still taking this..6 months later. A call to keep chasing up gynaecology with my GP and it's looking like another 4 months at least before I have an appointment (grand old NHS). My doctor is unsure whether or not to continue to prescribe me this but is doing so for now.
Question is..is it safe to take long term? I have side effects from the start including food cravings, hot flushes and sun intolerance. (Also my fortnightly seizures have stopped!! Another reason I'm afraid to stop them) but these last 2 months I have had the worst cramps and pain after orgasm that has made me cry. I have also noticed a yellow discharge too.
Any advice on what I need to do?
submitted by /u/belfast-woman-31[link] [comments]
♥ " Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery. "
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