Obstetrics - Wife had a cone biopsy after recurrent HSIL Pap results post LEEP, came back completely clean, doc is stumped:Health care

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Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "Wife had a cone biopsy after recurrent HSIL Pap results post LEEP, came back completely clean, doc is stumped"

TLDR at bottom.

Well, I posted here kind of worried a couple weeks back. My wife had a LEEP procedure for CIN3 found during a colposcopy after an HSIL and AGC Pap result. The LEEP confirmed clear margins. She had another Pap less than a year later, that came back with HSIL & ASC-H. Since she had already had a LEEP, the doctor recommended a cone biopsy to get further up the endocervical canal than they would have gotten with the LEEP. The doctor even said they tried to get further up the canal than they usually do just to be safe during the cone biopsy.

Not only did they not find anything harmful, the results from the biopsy came back completely clean. No dysplasia, no nothing. she said the doctor actually seemed fairly stumped, and he is going to run it by one of his colleagues in the next couple days. She is 4 1/2 weeks out from the surgery, and they looked up at her cervix, and said everything was healing well and once again no sign of anything nefarious that they could see.

has anyone else heard of anything like this? Is it possible that she got a false negative Pap result for something that high-grade? Should we be seeking a second opinion of any kind? My wife is a little freaked out, because basically their advice was that they will do another Pap in six months, but try not to get pregnant between now and then. (in case of the need for a hysterectomy I’m guessing.)

would appreciate any thoughts from doctors on this sub or anyone else that has gone through something similar. Thanks!!

TLDR: Wife had LEEP to remove CIN3 with clear margins. HSIL and ASC-H found during pap less than 12 months later. Come biopsy came back completely clean. Dr seems stumped.

submitted by /u/MJE0409
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