What is "Obstetrics " ?
Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.
My experience over Obstetrics "ANY ideas/input? Sulfur smell during period, lethargy, light bleeding weeks after period starts, itching, anemia, ovarian cysts in family"
I feel so hopeless
I have a history of yeast infections, heavy bleeding the first two days of periods (3-6 heavy flow pads a day) and have NOT been sexually active since the beginning of 2021.
For my July period, I had a strong, bad smell that doesnt even smell like the infamous fish smell, but like sulfur. It's disgusting and more strong and pungent than anything else coming from that region before (I try to sit away from other people bc of it). I'm now starting what will be my August period and it also smells strong and like sulfur.
I have itching and irritation around and in my vulva. But that could also be due to me suddenly becoming 4x sweatier in the last 2 years.
I have also had almost constant, light bleeding since June. Or, at least brown mixed with clear, whitish discharge. I believe that it's blood because it is occasionally on the redder side.
The period at the beginning of June and then July have both tapered off into light, consistent bleeding for nearly three weeks after it started, along with excess discharge (as in I am wearing a small liner 24/7 and change it 2-3 times a day because they get soaked and uncomfortable). I also noticed that the first two heavy days turned into 3 and a half days of heavy bleeding last period. I showered last night, so I'm not dirty. My period started this morning and it smells so bad and I feel so run down.
I get anemic prone on my period, and I felt absolutely run down last month, and I do today, too despite it just starting. I feel winded, a bit lightheaded and like I have a pressurey headache. I have iron supplements that I got from behind the counter from a pharmacist, but I feel so queasy and gross that it's hard to make myself take them.
My sister got an ultrasound done and they found that she has lots of ovarian cysts. She doesn't have many of the symptoms I do, or at all, though. I saw my doctor earlier in the week and they did a swab for VB, booked an ultrasound for more than a month from now, gave me a req form to get blood work done for anemia and recommended birth control pills to try and regulate my period (but I have reacted negatively to all bc I've tried with severe depression so I declined).
The VB results came back negative, and I tried an OTC yeast infection pill that did nothing.
Will an ultra sound give me results related to the smell, or will I just have this horrible smell every period? Do all of these symptoms sound like something that has a name and a treatment plan?
I know you can't say much for sure without seeing me or knowing my history, nor do I deem anyone here liable for anything, but I just need some leads ad to what I can pursue next so I can get closer to figuring out what's wrong with me. I'm halfway through my twenties and haven't dated much at all, and this is just making things worse. Any help at all is appreciated.
submitted by /u/waterheaterexplosion[link] [comments]
♥ " Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery. "
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