What is "Obstetrics " ?
Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "Advice, please...Colposcopy Results and OBGYN acting strange"
Hello, I'm a 22F and I've been struggling with bleeding and pain during sex for about 5 years, in the past year or so I've been having cramps throughout the month without having my period (I take bc btw) and I recently had COVID. Right after I had COVID I started having abnormal bleeding mixed with discharge and it wasn't quite the same as my period which I had less than two weeks prior. I decided to see an OBGYN. I'd never seen her before and I'd never had a pap smear before.
I wasn't taught about my health much as a kid and I wasn't able to get my HPV vaccine (Gardasil 9) until I was 18. I didn't have a pap smear then because it was recommended for women starting at 21. I didn't end up getting one at 21 because it was during covid and my mom had lost her job so I had no medical insurance.
I had a pap smear about three weeks ago but my OB was 100% positive that my bleeding was caused by covid so she didn't want to look into it any further. My pap smear ended up coming back Abnormal is LSIL. She then diagnosed me with HPV without an HPV test. She recommended having a colposcopy and biopsy done to make sure it wasn't anything severe but she made sure to tell me about 5 times during the colposcopy that it was going to come back as LSIL. She was very dismissive of my questions about what if it came back as HSIL.
She called me with the results from my biopsy and she said "it is worse than we thought" but wouldn't give me any further details about whether it was CIN2 or CIN3 she recommended that I get treatment for it soon. She recommended cryosurgery but didn't tell me anything else. She didn't want to have a follow-up appointment she want to schedule the pre-surgery. appointment immediately
Since then I've contacted another OBGYN that my sister and mom see, he's about an hour away but he wants to see the results of both labs I've been struggling with getting in contact with her and she hasn't uploaded my lab results onto MyChart.
I'm not sure how to approach her about how she's making me fearful and uncomfortable by not being straightforward because I'm absolutely terrified. My current parent doesn't have HPV and I've been with them for 3 years now so I'm not sure how long I've had HPV.
submitted by /u/Brandyscott29[link] [comments]
♥ " Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery. "
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