Obstetrics - What’s going on with my period? Should I stop taking the pill?:Health care

What is "Obstetrics " ?

Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "What’s going on with my period? Should I stop taking the pill?"

Have had irregular periods since I was 16, so 10 years. Problem was heavy bleeding so tried the pill, Mirena (twice), Depo shot, pills again, the implant, and have been on pills again for almost two years.

I either don’t get my period or I get a couple days of bright red spotting then dark brown clots/mucus/possible decidual cast for a few days to a week. I don’t have many PMS symptoms other than occasional sore breasts and cravings, some cramping (mainly right side), and a few days of increased libido.

I have no idea what my body is doing and am wondering if the various forms of BC have messed up my hormones. I’d like to go off the pill and see if my body can self-regulate. I’m just concerned about getting hormonal acne again (I was on Accutane last year and it cleared it up). I was off birth control for about five months two years ago and still did not get my period. I don’t know if it gave me more acne as my acne was already severe.

Abnormal cells were found in my cervix last year and biopsy confirmed they were non-cancerous. Breast, vulvar and cervical cancer run in my family. I have gotten benign cysts in both breasts and have some symptoms of PCOS (oily skin, irregular periods, acne, depression [but I have bipolar disorder if that matters], and what I consider some excessive hair). My old doctor told me at one point I was infertile and another soon after told me I was not.

I’ve also been dealing with chronic yeast infections for over a year and have read BC can be a contributing factor.

Any insight into what’s going on? Would going off BC be detrimental considering my family history and the possibility of PCOS?

I wont see a doctor again until late November and I’d like to go into the appointment with as much input as I can.

submitted by /u/supyadumbbitch
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