Obstetrics - Will masturbating cause genital warts to spread internally?:Health care

What is "Obstetrics " ?

Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "Will masturbating cause genital warts to spread internally?"

Sorry for the TMI question, but I can’t find an answer to this anywhere. I know there’s not been any research done on this, but just from experience does anyone know if masturbating can cause genital warts to spread internally?

I’ve seen anecdotal evidence from men in r/hpv claiming that it doesn’t seem to cause any issues for them, but no such discussions involving women. Would using something like a dildo be “better” as you’re not getting any skin on skin contact from using your hands for example? Is it best to just not touch anything down there at all? Does touching down there even cause any kind of spread because doctors don’t seem to be concerned about couples with hpv/gw continuing a normal sex life?

Thanks for any help you can offer! I know some people end up with warts for years, so I just want to know what my options are here 😅

submitted by /u/my2345throwaway
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