healtth-care - Plan b messed up cycle or pregnant? 27 cis female >> 2022

Hi let me start off by sayin I have an intense fear of pregnancy/have zero desire to have children. I am NOT trying to offend any women who are expecting or trying to get pregnant.

I have a consultation to get my tubes tied at the end of month. I also have an intense fear of cryptic pregnancy.

This is a real phobia for me and I try to do everything I can to prevent it, but things do happen and there’s always that small chance of pregnancy.

I started birth control on my second day of my period. Had no condom sex about 5 days after. I took plan be that week, and then again less than a week later (I know it is advised not to do this) after about 4 days of daily intercourse. I was ovulating that week but I made sure to take it before ovulation really began (approximately)

After that I didn’t get my period until 8 weeks after, so for the whole month after intercourse.

I had pink spotting the day before and then regular period-like bleeding. I’m not sure if this is implantation bleeding or just a regular period.

I had bleeding again in February (enough bleeding to require sanitary pad) but it was also a few days late.

I have taken several pregnancy tests and they are all negative. But I understand those can also be inaccurate if you don’t have high hormone levels.

I have zero pregnancy symptoms to my knowledge.

My question is, is is possible taking two plan b’s in less than a month effect my cycle almost 4-5 months after? I am no longer taking birth control pills as well. I’m usually fairly regular.

Thank you!!

submitted by /u/sadanon420
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