Obstetrics - URGENT!!!: I might have an infection and I need your help ASAP!!:Health care

What is "Obstetrics " ?

Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), which is a surgical field.

My experience over Obstetrics "URGENT!!!: I might have an infection and I need your help ASAP!!"

My vagina is smelling like the end of a period for a little too long (more details down). I am begging you to PLEASE read this because I need help and I am scared of going to a gynecologist. I know it's a lot of text but please read.

For context, I am 18 years old and in college. I am Indian so I've been eating Indian food my entire life at home. When I came to college, I stopped. I was eating healthy (yogurt and fruits) up until when I came back to my dorm after labor day weekend. I stopped eating fruits and I started eating more unhealthy/skipping meals for snacks. I don't know if this has anything to do with it but I wanted to include it so you have the full picture.

I started my period on September 4th and it's usually 5-6 days long and sometimes there'll be a 7th day where it's really, really light and I don't even need a pad for it. On every single one of my periods, on the last day the smell changes to a fishier one and the color changes to a darker brownish green one. When the smell happens, I wash down there really well (with dove soap, just the vulva) and it goes away.

However, this time, when I started my period, everything was normal until i got towards the end of my period. It started having the fishy smell on day 4 closer to the end and day 5. I washed down there really well like I usually do but the smell isn't going away. Today was day 7 and the flow is really light but it's a brownish green and it STILL smells. Yesterday, I thought my period was over so I didn't wear a pad for a little. When I went to the bathroom, I saw a couple spots of blood on my underwear. I kind of touched my hole and smelled it and it had the fishy smell.

I'm FREAKING out because when I looked it up on google, a reddit post said that if it smells fishy, I have an infection due to fecal matter in my vagina.

This is not the end of it.

I just got out of the shower and when I was cleaning my butthole, I felt something weird down there in my perineum area. The skin felt like what a hemorrhoid feels like (I also have a hemorrhoid but it doesn't bother me and I've had it for a while). I got out of the shower and looked down there and on my vulva, going from the end of my labia majora to a half an inch away from my vaginal opening, I see this pinkish scar looking thing. It's only about an inch long and it's not close to my asshole. I smelled again and the smell is only faint right now.

What the hell is going on? I don't have sex or anything so where could that random line thing be coming from?

Is that the thing that's affecting my period smell?

Is there, in fact, fecal matter in my butthole? Does the tear have anything to do with that?

Is my diet a factor? I really hope that this issue is because this is my first period after that diet change and my body doesn't know what's happening but I don't know if that's it.

The bottom line: DO I HAVE AN INFECTION??

Any advice or help is appreciated.

submitted by /u/VegetablePretty4267
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" Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery. "

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