Showing posts from April, 2022Show all
Obstetrics - How do I (31F) talk my gynecologist into removing both my ovaries while getting a hysterectomy?:Health care
Obstetrics - Vulva rash, a bit of discharge. I thought a picture would be better than words. Plan to call the dr. next week.:Health care
Obstetrics - My urethra looks like a donut.:Health care
Obstetrics - This just appeared about a week ago on my right side., close to my upper thigh. Is it just a skin tag ?:Health care
Obstetrics - Discharge after pap:Health care
Obstetrics - The letter I wrote to my doctor's, which lead me to approval for a tubal ligation at the age of 18:Health care
Obstetrics - Not enough blood is coming out on my period:Health care
Obstetrics - Cat had radioactive iodine treatment and I'm trying to conceive:Health care
Obstetrics - Yeast infection?:Health care
Obstetrics - 7 positive pregnancy tests and 2 negatives:Health care
Obstetrics - Stuck in a strict country, having a pregnancy scare:Health care
Obstetrics - Missed period not pregnant:Health care
Obstetrics - Need insight:Health care
Obstetrics - Pregnancy scare:Health care
Obstetrics - Can BV be ruled out based on a urine dipstick?:Health care
Obstetrics - This might be a dumb question but.. Would a Pap smear be able to detect if you currently have vulvar cancer?:Health care
Obstetrics - 30 weeks pregnant, sore red breast and extremely itchy. Called OB and haven’t received a call back yet. Been going on for the past 2 days.:Health care
Obstetrics - Recurring BV; Necrotic/Apoptotic Discharge (photos included):Health care
Obstetrics - Pain right after sex that lasts for 20 minutes:Health care
Obstetrics - Supposed to be 6 weeks but it measured 4 weeks 4 days. Do you see anything different? Thanks:Health care
Obstetrics - Why is my period so late?:Health care
Obstetrics - struggling with vulva/bikini line body odour smell:Health care
Obstetrics - When should I become concerned about pain with penetration?:Health care
Obstetrics - Persistent bleeding/ irregular period for 4 months, should I try the Patch birth control?:Health care
Obstetrics - Why did I (23F) have to consent to hysterectomy for diagnostic laparoscopy looking for endometriosis & cystectomy?:Health care
Obstetrics - I missed a pill and I've been spotting (period?) for almost a week:Health care
Obstetrics - Preparing for upcoming GYN visit, seeking input:Health care
Obstetrics - My wife has cone biopsy for recurrent cin 3 and i’ve worked myself into a frenzy….:Health care
Obstetrics - disordered proliferative endometrium, endometrial polyps, and scars on uterus:Health care
Obstetrics - My first period is heavy after d&c:Health care
Obstetrics - Huge chunks of uterus tissue?:Health care
Obstetrics - Have any of you missed a period and it be nothing serious? I’m not pregnant .:Health care
Obstetrics - Tracking cycle for pregnancy:Health care
Obstetrics - Skin to skin contact no penetration but with precum:Health care
Obstetrics - Found a condom…:Health care
Obstetrics - Extremely irregular bleeding between periods... Help!:Health care
Obstetrics - Period every two weeks for the last three months:Health care
Obstetrics - Plan B side effects: Cramps and increased discharge for 2 weeks?:Health care
Obstetrics - Could I be pregnant?:Health care
Obstetrics - Conjoined Twins:Health care
Obstetrics - Small flap inside vagina:Health care
Obstetrics - Why does my vaginal entrance look like this? Is this normal?:Health care
Obstetrics - Abnormal frequent periods for 10 month where I'm bleeding twice a month:Health care
Obstetrics - Could I be pregnant?:Health care
Obstetrics - Is this normal? Explanation in comments.:Health care
Obstetrics - need help!:Health care
Obstetrics - Skin-like discharge?:Health care
Obstetrics - Nuvaring help:Health care
Obstetrics - Looking for a little more insight before scheduling my next appointment.:Health care
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